Just Launch Already

Ok folks. Here is the site. It’s been a LONG time coming.

I created a psd for this bad boy back in February of 2008. Yup. Over three years ago. I’ve always had this idea of what a designer’s site should be, and some were similar to what I thought, but I can now say that this site IS what I thought a designers site should be. I’m very proud of the final product.

As with anything, it’s a work in progress. There are elements that I will be tweaking along the way. One of my major concerns is the slow page loads when moving through the work. There are some very technical issues that I’m still working through. So please, be patient, it’ll all show up. There’s a ton of stuff in there.

This site is freaking loaded with work. It’s overloaded. I know. I may try and thin it down. Stuff might be getting buried in the back.

I’m sure you’ll start flipping around the whole thing, but the long and short of it is:

•The main page shows recent work, and the blog – Which I will try very hard to keep up with. I need your comments! I will keep posting if I know people are listening!

•The work page is the bulk of the site. It’s got a ton of pieces in there. It’s mostly merch designs, but it also has some logos, a few layouts, and small number of posters. You can get in there and flip through by clicking the arrow, clicking either side of the image, or by using the arrow keys. I recommend using the arrow keys.

•You can also search by client in the Work Page search bar.

•The about page is dumb. I’ll think of some better stuff to write in there. Maybe you’ll be entertained by my lack of interesting content. Give me crap in the comments if you have to, I can handle it.

•Ok, get on with it. Shoot me some comments on what you think of the site. Tell all your friends, shoot links on Twitter, tell your mom, Facebook that ish. Whatever you gotta do to spread the good news, do it! I’ll love you forever.

•Welcome to brandonrike.com


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