Category Archives: Workflow

Opinions on a Career In Graphic Design

A few months ago, a high school senior, Samantha Cleveland, sent me a list of interview questions. Samantha is interested in a career in graphic design, and I answered as honestly as I could. I wrote quite a bit, so … Continue reading 

Class is Open!

Today is a big day for me. I’ve worked very hard on putting together a Skillshare class to show people my real process and workflow for making band tees. Enroll in the class! It was a lot of fun putting … Continue reading 

My Skillshare Class

Skillshare came to me recently, asking if I was interested in teaching an online course with them. After trying my hand at a few process videos, here and there, this looked like the perfect chance to put something together that … Continue reading 

Underoath Farewell Poster

I did my first merch design for Underoath a decade ago, while my band was touring with them. Since then, I’ve steadily contributed to their various runs of merch, and have been honored to continually be asked to create more … Continue reading 

A Year Forward

As the years move on, each go a bit faster. The perception that I had of one year as a child, an entire lifetime, becomes a little bit more visible, and tangible. Statements like “This year, I intend to…” become … Continue reading 

Lettering Process

Here’s a look at my process for a recent lettering piece. Spend Your Life Creating Something. You can buy the print here.


I am completely thrilled to be featured by Visual Supply Co, one of the coolest new collection of resources for creatives. I love the entire vibe and philosophy behind VSCO, and am honored to be asked a few interview questions … Continue reading 

Learning To Unlearn

Despite being viewed by many as an extremely positive person, I often find myself faced by days where creativity and excitement just stops. While yesterday may have been extremely productive and positive, today may leave me frustrated, irritable, and utterly … Continue reading 

My Office

I’m always curious to see designers’ studios and offices. We spend so much time here, and I have to believe that these environments somehow influence our aesthetic. In the spirit of my own curiosity, I’ve decided to post a few … Continue reading 

The Power of the Doodle

With my new found spirit to be a little more regular with this blog, will come a little more willingness to be that much more transparent with you readers. One of the ways that I can do that, is to … Continue reading 


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