Plugging Away

Wow. What a job. Loading this website up with content is proving to be quite a task. Thanks to my man, Luke, actually uploading all of this stuff is instant. The tedious part, however, is hunkering down inside Photoshop, File Place…, finding an approved design from who knows when, placing it on the tee, changing the background color, Save As…, blah blah blah. Doing that for every single piece is taking a while.

I hope to launch this site soon, but I realize there will be a ton more work to add after that. My concern, however, is that there is just too much stuff and there, and no one may ever make it through what’s already there — let alone the additional stuff that I’ll add soon. It won’t be long until there are 1000+ pieces on this site.

But I know you folks judge these books by their covers, so I intend on sucking it up and regularly making blog posts, to sit here and greet you on the front page. That way, I become one of your new favorite sites, right?

Anyway, sit tight. I’ll have it all ready soon enough.

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