Category Archives: Opinion

Fight To Stay Excited

For a recent talk, while compiling slides, I found myself coming up with quick phrases that I would then elaborate upon. Many of these could be considered the title of the specific tangent, much like the title of a blog … Continue reading 

Speak The Truth

It’s easy to look at portions of a life in five and ten year increments. Many refer to their “five-year plan” or “their twenties,” etc. We often block our lives together in chunks, and it’s easiest to define ourselves by … Continue reading 

Learning To Unlearn

Despite being viewed by many as an extremely positive person, I often find myself faced by days where creativity and excitement just stops. While yesterday may have been extremely productive and positive, today may leave me frustrated, irritable, and utterly … Continue reading 

Interview by Freelance Unleashed

Big thanks for Chris Green for interviewing me for the Freelance Unleashed website. Go check out the interview, and some of my thoughts on freelance in general.

Dark Collar Art Co.

“Doing what you love is a fight – an ongoing battle against every influence that wants you to conform. There is no solace in the conformity, only a blurred view of what you set out to be. Spend your life … Continue reading 

Bumps on the Freelance Road

I’m not one to sulk, and I do my best to not be one to complain. I pride myself on pushing things forward, and convince myself, regularly, that my situation is ideal. There are a lot of mind tricks one … Continue reading 

Draplin Drops Knowledge

Creative mornings is a fantastic lecture series, and is put together well enough that visiting the site, and checking the videos allows you to get an experience almost as good as actually being there. One of my favorite designers, and … Continue reading 


Twenty Nine

I’m never too cool for some big positive statements regarding the future, and what I hope to achieve and become. Today is my twenty-ninth birthday. My twenties have been wonderful. I spent the first bit of them having the time … Continue reading 


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